Questions and Answers for Chem 105 B

Date Submitted: Tue Jan 15 10:29:44 EST 2002
Student Name: nick manzoni
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where do i find the answer to the second question on the assignment given to me on monday involving your homepage.


You find the answer by looking up the structure of urea in your textbook.

Date Submitted: Wed Sep 15 10:41:20 EDT 1999
Student Name: kerri gale walls
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I know what an "ion" is, and how it is formed ( by gaining, anion, or losing, cation, one or more electrons), but when a question asks you which would be the most probable ion of Li without giving you the number of electons gained or lost... what are you supposed to do?


Elements (that is, their atoms) desire to acquire a Nobel Gas Configuration. The question is, for a given atom, how can it most easily do that. For Li atom, it can most easily acquire the Nobel Gas configurationb(NGC) of He by simply LOSING ONE ELCTRON. Therefore, its MOST PROBABLE ion would be Li(+1). Li atom will lose one electron to achieve the NGC of the NG one period above it on the PT. That is what all metals of Groups I and II do. If you want further clarification, please do not hesitate to call me.

Date Submitted: Wed Sep 4 14:21:33 EDT 1996
Student Name: Elizabeth K. Thornton
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Why do I have to take this course if I am going to be a nurse?


The critical thinking skills emphasized in this course, as well as the emphasis on observation, detail and analysis of problems make it invaluable to anyone interested in nursing. In addition, there are specialized topics (such as acids, bases, salts, osmosis, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) which are clearly related to the nursing domain.

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Last revision: July 18, 1996