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"A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste"
Source: Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights (CDLR)
Date: 13 Oct 96 13:26:25 EDT
Email: CDLR <100043.1420@CompuServe.COM>
Under such circumstances, to push the enemy-the greatest Kufr- out
of the country is a prime duty. No other duty after Belief is more
important than the duty of had . Utmost effort should be made to prepare
and instigate the Ummah against the enemy, the American-Israeli alliance-
occupying the country of the two Holy Places and the route of the Apostle
(Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him) to the Furthest Mosque
(Al-Aqsa Mosque). Also to remind the Muslims not to be engaged in an
internal war among themselves, as that will have grieve consequences
1-consumption of the Muslims human resources as most casualties and
fatalities will be among the Muslims people.
2-Exhaustion of the economic and financial resources.
3-Destruction of the country infrastructures
4-Dissociation of the society
5-Destruction of the oil industries. The presence of the USA Crusader
military forces on land, sea and air of the states of the Islamic Gulf is
the greatest danger threatening the largest oil reserve in the world. The
existence of these forces in the area will provoke the people of the
country and induces aggression on their religion, feelings and prides and
push them to take up armed struggle against the invaders occupying the
land; therefore spread of the fighting in the region will expose the oil
wealth to the danger of being burned up. The economical interest of the
States of the Gulf and the land of the two Holy Places will be damaged and
even a greater damage will be caused to the economy of the world. I would
like here to alert my brothers, the Mujahideen, the sons of the nation, to
protect this (oil) wealth and not to include it in the battle as it is a
great Islamic wealth and a large economical power essential for the soon
to be established Islamic state, by Allah's Permission and Grace. We also
warn the aggressors, the USA, against burning this Islamic wealth (a crime
which they may commit in order to prevent it, at the end of the war, from
falling in the hands of its' legitimate owners and to cause economical
damages to the competitors of the USA in Europe or the Far East,
particularly Japan which is the major consumer of the oil of the region).
6-Division of the land of the two Holy Places, and annexing of the
northerly part of it by Israel. Dividing the land of the two Holy Places
is an essential demand of the Zionist-Crusader alliance. The existence of
such a large country with its huge resources under the leadership of the
forthcoming Islamic State, by Allah's Grace, represent a serious danger to
the very existence of the Zionist state in Palestine. The Nobel Ka'ba,
-the Qiblah of all Muslims- makes the land of the two Holy Places a symbol
for the unity of the Islamic world. Moreover, the presence of the world
largest oil reserve makes the land of the two Holy Places an important
economical power in the Islamic world. The sons of the two Holy Places
are directly related to the life style (Seerah) of their forefathers, the
companions, may Allah be pleased with them. They consider the Seerah of
their forefathers as a source and an example for re-establishing the
greatness of this Ummah and to raise the word of Allah again. Furthermore
the presence of a population of fighters in the south of Yemen, fighting
in the cause of Allah, is a strategic threat to the Zionist-Crusader
alliance in the area. The Prophet (ALLAH'S BLESSING AND SALUTATIONS ON
HIM) said: (around twelve thousands will emerge from Aden/Abian helping
-the cause of- Allah and His messenger, they are the best, in the time,
between me and them) narrated by Ahmad with a correct trustworthy
7-An internal war is a great mistake, no matter what reasons are there for
it. the presence of the occupier-the USA- forces will control the outcome
of the battle for the benefit of the international Kufr.
I address now my brothers of the security and military forces and
the national guards may Allah preserve you hoard for Islam and the Muslims
O you protectors of unity and guardians of Faith; O you
descendent of the ancestors who carried the light (torch) of guidance and
spread it all over the world. O you grandsons of Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqaas ,
Almothanna Ibn Haritha Ash-Shaybani , Alga'ga' Ibn Amroo Al-Tameemi and
those pious companions who fought Jihad alongside them; you competed to
join the army and the guard forces with the intention to carry out Jihad
in the cause of Allah -raising His word- and to defend the faith of Islam
and the land of the two Holy Places against the invaders and the occupying
forces. That is the ultimate level of believing in this religion "Deen".
But the regime had reversed these principles and their understanding,
humiliating the Ummah and disobeying Allah. Half a century ago the rulers
promised the Ummah to regain the first Qiblah, but fifty years later new
generation arrived and the promises have been changed; Al-Aqsa Mosque
handed over to the Zionists and the wounds of the Ummah still bleeding
there. At the time when the Ummah has not regained the first Qiblah and
the rout of the journey of the Prophet (Allah's Blessings and Salutations
may be on him), and despite of all of the above, the Saudi regime had
stunt the Ummah in the remaining sanctities, the Holy city of Makka and
the mosque of the Prophet (Al-Masjid An-Nabawy), by calling the Christians
army to defend the regime. The crusaders were permitted to be in the land
of the two Holy Places. Not surprisingly though, the King himself wore the
cross on his chest. The country was widely opened from the north-to- the
south and from east-to-the west for the crusaders. The land was filled
with the military bases of the USA and the allies. The regime became
unable to keep control without the help of these bases. You know more than
any body else about the size, intention and the danger of the presence of
the USA military bases in the area. The regime betrayed the Ummah and
joined the Kufr, assisting and helping them against the Muslims. It is
well known that this is one of the ten "voiders" of Islam, deeds of
de-Islamisation . By opening the Arab peninsula to the crusaders the
regime disobeyed and acted against what has been enjoined by the messenger
of Allah (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him), while he was
at the bed of his death: (Expel the polytheists out of the Arab
Peninsula); (narrated by Al-Bukhari) and: (If I survive, Allah willing,
I'll expel the Jews and the Christians out of the Arab Peninsula); saheeh
Aljame' As-Sagheer.
It is out of date and no longer acceptable to claim that the
presence of the crusaders is necessity and only a temporary measures to
protect the land of the two Holy Places. Especially when the civil and the
military infrastructures of Iraq were savagely destroyed showing the depth
of the Zionist-Crusaders hatred to the Muslims and their children, and the
rejection of the idea of replacing the crusaders forces by an Islamic
force composed of the sons of the country and other Muslim people.
moreover the foundations of the claim and the claim it self were
demolished and wiped out by the sequence of speeches given by the leaders
of the Kuffar in America. The latest of these speeches was the one given
by William Perry, the Defence Secretary, after the explosion in Al-Khobar
saying that: the presence of the American solders there is to protect the
interest of the USA. The imprisoned Sheikh Safar Al-Hawali, may Allah
hasten his release, wrote a book of seventy pages; in it he presented
evidence and proof that the presence of the Americans in the Arab
Peninsula is a pre-planed military occupation. The regime want to deceive
the Muslims people in the same manner when the Palestinian fighters,
Mujahideen, were deceived causing the loss of Al-Aqsa Mosque. In 1304 A.H
(1936 AD) the awakened Muslims nation of Palestine started their great
struggle, Jihad, against the British occupying forces. Britain was
impotent to stop the Mujahideen and their Jihad, but their devil inspired
that there is no way to stop the armed struggle in Palestine unless
through their agent King Abdul Azeez, who managed to deceives the
Mujahideen. King Abdul Azeez carried out his duty to his British masters.
He sent his two sons to meet the Mujahideen leaders and to inform them
that King Abdul Azeez would guarantee the promises made by the British
government in leaving the area and responding positively to the demands of
the Mujahideen if the latter stop their Jihad. And so King Abdul Azeez
caused the loss of the first Qiblah of the Muslims people. The King joined
the crusaders against the Muslims and instead of supporting the Mujahideen
in the cause of Allah, to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque, he disappointed and
humiliated them.
Today, his son, king Fahd, trying to deceive the Muslims for the
second time so as to loose what is left of the sanctities. When the
Islamic world resented the arrival of the crusader forces to the land of
the two Holy Places, the king told lies to the Ulamah (who issued Fatwas
about the arrival of the Americans) and to the gathering of the Islamic
leaders at the conference of Rabitah which was held in the Holy City of
Makka. The King said that: "the issue is simple, the American and the
alliance forces will leave the area in few months". Today it is seven
years since their arrival and the regime is not able to move them out of
the country. The regime made no confession about its inability and
carried on lying to the people claiming that the American will leave. But
never-never again ; a believer will not be bitten twice from the same hole
or snake! Happy is the one who takes note of the sad experience of the
Instead of motivating the army, the guards and the security men to
oppose the occupiers the regime used these men to protect the invaders,
and further deepening the humiliation and the betrayal. (We bemoan this
and can only say: "No power and power acquiring except through Allah").
To those little group of men within the army, police and security forces,
who have been tricked and pressurised by the regime to attack the Muslims
and spill their blood, we would like to remind them of the narration: (I
promise war against those who take my friends as their enemy) narrated by
Al--Bukhari. and his saying (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on
him) saying of: ( In the day of judgement a man comes holding another and
complaining being slain by him. Allah, blessed be His Names, asks: Why did
you slay him?! The accused replies: I did so that all exaltation may be
Yours. Allah, blessed be His Names, says: All exaltation is indeed mine!
Another man comes holding a fourth with a similar complaint. Allah,
blessed be His Names, asks: Why did you kill him?! The accused replies: I
did so that exaltation may be for Mr. X! Allah, blessed be His Names,
says: exaltation is mine, not for Mr. X, carry all the slain man's sins
(and proceed to the Hell fire)!). In another wording of An-Nasa'i: "The
accused says: for strengthening the rule or kingdom of Mr. X"
Today your brothers and sons, the sons of the two Holy Places,
have started their Jihad in the cause of Allah, to expel the occupying
enemy out of the country of the two Holy places. And there is no doubt you
would like to carry out this mission too, in order to re-establish the
greatness of this Ummah and to liberate its' occupied sanctities.
Nevertheless, it must be obvious to you that, due to the imbalance of
power between our armed forces and the enemy forces, a suitable means of
fighting must be adopted i.e using fast moving light forces that work
under complete secrecy. In other word to initiate a guerrilla warfare,
were the sons of the nation, and not the military forces, take part in it.
And as you know, it is wise, in the present circumstances, for the armed
military forces not to be engaged in a conventional fighting with the
forces of the crusader enemy (the exceptions are the bold and the forceful
operations carried out by the members of the armed forces individually,
that is without the movement of the formal forces in its conventional
shape and hence the responses will not be directed, strongly, against the
army) unless a big advantage is likely to be achieved; and great losses
induced on the enemy side (that would shaken and destroy its foundations
and infrastructures) that will help to expel the enemy defeated out of the
The Mujahideen, your brothers and sons, requesting that you
support them in every possible way by supplying them with the necessary
information, materials and arms. Security men are especially asked to
cover up for the Mujahideen and to assist them as much as possible against
the occupying enemy; and to spread rumours, fear and discouragement among
the members of the enemy forces.
We bring to your attention that the regime, in order to create a
friction and feud between the Mujahideen and yourselves, might resort to
take a deliberate action against personnel of the security, guards and
military forces and blame the Mujahideen for these actions. The regime
should not be allowed to have such opportunity.
The regime is fully responsible for what had been incurred by the
country and the nation; however the occupying American enemy is the
principle and the main cause of the situation . Therefore efforts should
be concentrated on destroying, fighting and killing the enemy until, by
the Grace of Allah, it is completely defeated. The time will come -by the
Permission of Allah- when you'll perform your decisive role so that the
word of Allah will be supreme and the word of the infidels (Kaferoon) will
be the inferior. You will hit with iron fist against the aggressors.
You'll re-establish the normal course and give the people their rights and
carry out your truly Islamic duty. Allah willing, I'll have a separate
talk about these issues.
My Muslim Brothers (particularly those of the Arab Peninsula):
The money you pay to buy American goods will be transformed into
bullets and used against our brothers in Palestine and tomorrow (future)
against our sons in the land of the two Holy places. By buying these
goods we are strengthening their economy while our dispossession and
poverty increases.
Muslims Brothers of land of the two Holy Places:
It is incredible that our country is the world largest buyer of
arms from the USA and the area biggest commercial partners of the
Americans who are assisting their Zionist brothers in occupying Palestine
and in evicting and killing the Muslims there, by providing arms, men and
financial supports.
To deny these occupiers from the enormous revenues of their
trading with our country is a very important help for our Jihad against
them. To express our anger and hate to them is a very important moral
gesture. By doing so we would have taken part in (the process of )
cleansing our sanctities from the crusaders and the Zionists and forcing
them, by the Permission of Allah, to leave disappointed and defeated.
We expect the woman of the land of the two Holy Places and other
countries to carry out their role in boycotting the American goods.
If economical boycotting is intertwined with the military
operations of the Mujahideen, then defeating the enemy will be even
nearer, by the Permission of Allah. However if Muslims don't co-operate
and support their Mujahideen brothers then , in effect, they are supplying
the army of the enemy with financial help and extending the war and
increasing the suffering of the Muslims.
The security and the intelligence services of the entire world can
not force a single citizen to buy the goods of his/her enemy. Economical
boycotting of the American goods is a very effective weapon of hitting and
weakening the enemy, and it is not under the control of the security
forces of the regime.
Before closing my talk, I have a very important message to the
youths of Islam, men of the brilliant future of the Ummah of Muhammad
(ALLAH'S BLESSING AND SALUTATIONS ON HIM). Our talk with the youths about
their duty in this difficult period in the history of our Ummah. A period
in which the youths and no one else came forward to carry out the variable
and different duties. While some of the well known individuals had
hesitated in their duty of defending Islam and saving themselves and their
wealth from the injustice, aggression and terror -exercised by the
government- the youths (may Allah protect them) were forthcoming and
raised the banner of Jihad against the American-Zionist alliance occupying
the sanctities of Islam. Others who have been tricked into loving this
materialistic world, and those who have been terrorised by the government
choose to give legitimacy to the greatest betrayal , the occupation of the
land of the two Holy Places (We bemoan this and can only say: "No power
and power acquiring except through Allah"). We are not surprised from the
action of our youths. The youths were the companions of Muhammad (Allah's
Blessings and Salutations may be on him), and was it not the youths
themselves who killed Aba-Jahl, the Pharaoh of this Ummah?. Our youths are
the best descendent of the best ancestors.
Abdul-Rahman Ibn Awf -may Allah be pleased with him- said: (I was
at Badr where I noticed two youths one to my right and the other to my
left. One of them asked me quietly (so not to be heard by the other) : O
uncle point out Aba-Jahl to me. What do you want him for? , said Abdul
Rahman. The boy answered: I have been informed that he- Aba-Jahl- abused
the Messenger of Allah (), I swear by Allah, who have my soul in His hand,
that if I see Aba-Jahl I'll not let my shadow departs his shadow till one
of us is dead. I was astonished, said Abdul Rahman; then the other youth
said the same thing as the first one. Subsequently I saw Aba-Jahl among
the people; I said to the boys do you see? this is the man you are asking
me about. The two youths hit Aba-Jahl with their swords till he was dead.
Allah is the greatest, Praise be to Him: Two youths of young age but with
great perseverance, enthusiasm, courage and pride for the religion of
Allah's, each one of them asking about the most important act of killing
that should be induced on the enemy. That is the killing of the pharaoh of
this Ummah - Aba Jahl-, the leader of the unbelievers (Mushrikeen) at the
battle of Badr. The role of Abdul Rahman Ibn Awf , may Allah be pleased
with him, was to direct the two youths toward Aba-Jahl. That was the
perseverance and the enthusiasm of the youths of that time and that was
the perseverance and the enthusiasm of their fathers. It is this role
that is now required from the people who have the expertise and knowledge
in fighting the enemy. They should guide their brothers and sons in this
matter; once that has been done, then our youths will repeat what their
forefathers had said before: "I swear by Allah if I see him I'll not let
my shadow to departs from his shadow till one of us is dead".
And the story of Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awf about Ummayyah Ibn Khalaf
shows the extent of Bilal's (may Allah be pleased with him) persistence in
killing the head of the Kufr: "the head of Kufr is Ummayyah Ibn Khalaf....
I shall live not if he survives" said Bilal.
Few days ago the news agencies had reported that the Defence
Secretary of the Crusading Americans had said that "the explosion at
Riyadh and Al-Khobar had taught him one lesson: that is not to withdraw
when attacked by coward terrorists".
We say to the Defence Secretary that his talk can induce a
grieving mother to laughter! and shows the fears that had enshrined you
all. Where was this false courage of yours when the explosion in Beirut
took place on 1983 AD (1403 A.H). You were turned into scattered pits and
pieces at that time; 241 mainly marines solders were killed. And where
was this courage of yours when two explosions made you to leave Aden in
lees than twenty four hours!
But your most disgraceful case was in Somalia; where- after
vigorous propaganda about the power of the USA and its post cold war
leadership of the new world order- you moved tens of thousands of
international force, including twenty eight thousands American solders
into Somalia. However, when tens of your solders were killed in minor
battles and one American Pilot was dragged in the streets of Mogadishu you
left the area carrying disappointment, humiliation, defeat and your dead
with you. Clinton appeared in front of the whole world threatening and
promising revenge , but these threats were merely a preparation for
withdrawal. You have been disgraced by Allah and you withdrew; the extent
of your impotence and weaknesses became very clear. It was a pleasure for
the "heart" of every Muslim and a remedy to the "chests" of believing
nations to see you defeated in the three Islamic cities of Beirut , Aden
and Mogadishu.
I say to Secretary of Defence: The sons of the land of the two
Holy Places had come out to fight against the Russian in Afghanistan, the
Serb in Bosnia-Herzegovina and today they are fighting in Chechenia and
-by the Permission of Allah- they have been made victorious over your
partner, the Russians. By the command of Allah, they are also fighting in
I say: Since the sons of the land of the two Holy Places feel and
strongly believe that fighting (Jihad) against the Kuffar in every part of
the world, is absolutely essential; then they would be even more
enthusiastic, more powerful and larger in number upon fighting on their
own land- the place of their births- defending the greatest of their
sanctities, the noble Ka'ba (the Qiblah of all Muslims). They know that
the Muslims of the world will assist and help them to victory. To liberate
their sanctities is the greatest of issues concerning all Muslims; It is
the duty of every Muslims in this world.
I say to you William (Defence Secretary) that: These youths love
death as you loves life. They inherit dignity, pride, courage, generosity,
truthfulness and sacrifice from father to father. They are most delivering
and steadfast at war. They inherit these values from their ancestors
(even from the time of the Jaheliyyah, before Islam). These values were
approved and completed by the arriving Islam as stated by the messenger of
Allah (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him): "I have been send
to perfecting the good values". (Saheeh Al-Jame' As-Sagheer).
When the pagan King Amroo Ibn Hind tried to humiliate the pagan
Amroo Ibn Kulthoom, the latter cut the head of the King with his sword
rejecting aggression, humiliation and indignation.
If the king oppresses the people excessively, we reject to submit
to humiliation
By which legitimacy (or command) O Amroo bin Hind you want us to
be degraded?!
By which legitimacy (or command) O Amroo bin Hind you listen to
our foes and disrespect us?!
Our toughness has, O Amroo, tired the enemies before you, never
giving in!
( To be continued)
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