Day 2 with the C-2100 Ultra Zoom.

The good is continues to outweigh the gripes.  Been testing out the best macro distance, looks like at 6 inches, with a focal length of 87mm you get the closest shot.  At that range and zoom you can cover about 67mm of an object horizontally, that's about 24 pixels/mm.  It's real nice to have the aperture priority for macro shots where depth of field is so important.

Testing out the zoom on a sunny day.  The image stabilizer continues to impress.

Philadelphia, about 15 miles away:
1/500 sec.
ISO 100
FL 1047 mm
Hand held standing!
Resampled to 640x480

Flag about 1000 feet away:

Check out the background on this one:
Click on image to view image straight out of the camera.