Abstract of an oral presentation about the lab portion of my course
Introduction to Ecology (Biology 301) to be made at the 1999 annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly ASZ) at Denver, Colorado, January, 1999.

Dr. Bruce W. Grant
Department of Biology, Widener University
Chester, PA, 19013, office Kirk.200, 610-499-4017 grant@pop1.science.widener.edu

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This page was last modified 1 November 1998, and has been accessed times since 1 Nov, 1998.

Author: Bruce W. Grant.
Institution: Widener University
Address: Department of Biology, Widener University, One University Place, Chester PA 19013
Tel number: 610-499-4017, FAX: 610-499-4496.
Grant, Bruce W. Widener University, Chester, PA.   Using Student-directed Ecological Research as Curriculum in an Introductory Ecology Course.

     This paper presents a semester-long student-directed ecological research model as the lab portion of an undergraduate ecology course. I have been developing and assessing this model at Widener University since 1993. Briefly, student teams formulate an ecological research question, design and carry out a field study, co-author a manuscript and poster, present their results at an in-class symposium, submit their manuscript for anonymous review by other class members, review each others' manuscripts, and revise their manuscript for submission to an in-house ecological research journal. In sum, the students DO what ecologists do. For my role, I hold workshops and training sessions on ecological sampling, cooperation, problem solving, statistics, graphics, etc., and I am the 'editor' of the in-house ecological research journal. In sum, I facilitate their research and their communication of it. Since 1994, I have been conducting post-course surveys of student attitudes toward this course. Data indicate that, despite the demands, students felt that this research-oriented course format enhanced their understanding of ecology and the process of scientific thinking. Among- year comparisons of student responses show significant effects of specific course modifications that I have made since 1994 which provide recommendations for others who wish to adopt my lab teaching model.


The abstract is Copyright - Bruce W. Grant, 1998.

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