Lecture 12/4/96, Chapter 12, Section 1-2


Assignment: Due Monday, 12/9/96 5:00 pm
Chapter 12 Homework Set and
Questions: 11, 15, 17, 19, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, 45, 49, 53, 59, 73, 83, 111, 119.

Introduction to Gas Laws

Solutions to Lecture Problems (pdf or rpl)

Gas Law Spreadsheet (Lotus or Excel)

  1. Measurments
    1. Pressure (what it is and units)
    2. Pa (N/m2) 101325 Pa = 1 atm
      bar (105 Pa) 1.01325 bar = 1 atm
      torr and mmHg (133.322 Pa) 760 torr = 1 atm
      atmosphere (101325 Pa)
      PSI (6894.76 Pa) 14.7 PSI = 1 atm

    3. Temperature (Use Kelvin Scale, 273.15)
    4. Volume conversions
    5. Unit Liter m3
      m3 10-3 1
      cm3 (ml) 103 106
      liter (dm3) 1 103
      ft3 0.02831 28.31
      in3 1.639 x 10-5 0.01639

  2. Introduce concept of an ideal gas
    1. No volume
    2. No interaction
    3. Discuss behavior of ideal gas

  3. Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)
    1. 1 bar (105 Pa), previously 1 atm
    2. 0 °C

  4. Boyle's Law (PV = CB)
    1. Derive relationship from ideal gas concept with picture on board
    2. Animation from CD-ROM ( d:, e:, f:, g:, h:, Mac )
    3. Graph relationship
    4. Write equation for graph
    5. Work a problem. Given an initial volume of 350 in3 and a compression ratio of 10:1, what is the final volume?

  5. P/T = C
    1. Derive relationship from ideal gas concept with picture on board
    2. Animation from CD-ROM ( d:, e:, f:, g:, h:, Mac )
    3. Graph relationship
    4. Write equation for graph
    5. Work a problem. A pressure cooker starts out at 25 C and 1 atm pressure. What is the pressure at 200 C?

  6. Charles Law (V/T = CC)
    1. Derive relationship from ideal gas concept with picture on board
    2. Graph relationship
    3. Write equation for graph
    4. Work a problem. 1 m3 of steam is heated from 100 C to 500 C at constant pressure. What is the final volume?

  7. P/n = C
    1. Derive relationship from ideal gas concept with picture on board
    2. Animation from CD-ROM ( d:, e:, f:, g:, h:, Mac )
    3. Graph relationship
    4. Write equation for graph
    5. Work a problem.

  8. Combine above equations to get (PV)/T = C
  9. Practice Problems.
    1. A stratospheric sampling balloon starts at sea level, 760 torr and 20 C with a volume of 1000 m3. The balloon rises to a pressure altitude of 1000 Pa (appx 40 km) where the temperature is -40 C. What is the volume of the balloon at this altitude?
    2. Gas data for 1 gram at STP. Calculate the molar volume
      1. H2 11.1 L
      2. He 5.57 L
      3. N2 0.800 L
      4. Cl2 0.316 L

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This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to svanbram@science.widener.edu.

This page has been accessed times since 3/23/97 .
Last Updated 3/23/97